
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Blog Closing

Hi everyone the challenge blog will now be closing due to ill health.

I would like to take this opportunity for thanking everyone who has taking part in our challenges. 

I would like to thank my design team and my sponsors for sponsoring the challenges through the years.

The winner of our last challenge is 

No 173 - Lyn Mcauley

Please email me at
for details on how to claim your prize

Thank you to Ikes art for sponsoring.


  1. O that is a shame. So sad that this blog is stopping.
    I wish you well.
    Love CAroline

  2. Hi Fiona, So sorry to hear you’re closing this challenge blog due to health problems.
    Thanks for all the challenge you and your team have made possible in recent years . I hope your health may improve again.
    Best wishes, Wies

  3. I hope things go ok for you, health first. xx

  4. So sorry to hear there are health issues. Sending prayers. Thanks for having the challenges and your well being is most important. Hugs
